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Replacing Plastic with Bamboo: Three-Year Operation to Reduce Plastic Pollution

China is the country with the richest bamboo resources in the world. Bamboo resources, area, and accumulation volume ranks first in the world. There are 837 bamboo species, with an annual output of 150 million tons. Not only that, my country is also the earliest country in the world to know, cultivate and use bamboo. On the pottery unearthed from the Yangshao Cultural site about 6000 years ago, the pictographs of bamboo were found. Chinese literati regarded bamboo as one of the four gentlemen and one of the three friends of the cold, and has a positive and refined mood.

At the first Replacing Plastic with Bamboo international seminar held recently, my country launched the three-year operation of Replacing Plastic with Bamboo. The whole chain and full-chain of bamboo materials, deep processing, product design and manufacturing, and market application expansion are coordinated, which effectively improves the kinetic energy, production capacity, and effectiveness of Replacing Plastic with Bamboo, and help reduce plastic pollution. How to grow large industries in the fields of plastic replacement and other fields with "quite root" in China? Bamboo, everyone has seen, keyboards, and every day, but have the keyboard made by bamboo, have you used it? Jiangxi Yichun Tonggu County has rich bamboo forest resources. On the road of the bamboo industry from extensive processing to deep processing and development, some products even broke through people's imagination. Entering a local enterprise exhibition area, bamboo U disks, bamboo mouse, bamboo calculator, bamboo speaker, bamboo car interior and other products attract people's attention. Lin Wei, an enterprise R & D manager, introduced that the initial bamboo keyboard was that only the framework was bamboo, and the keycaps were plastic. In order to make the keyboard more beautiful and coordinated, the R & D team was born after breaking the model of more than 1,000 models, and it was born.

Lin Wei said: The molding of bamboo keys is very difficult. When it was started, there would be some burrs and was not neat. The formation machine we developed independently can achieve a bamboo strip in, automatic cutting, chamfering, arc, drilling, and one molding. Our keys use a concave arc design, and at the same time use CNC carving technology to sculpt the relevant content directly on the bamboo button. The feel is very good. How to use it will not wear it. High -value -added technology -based bamboo products have made a new road for the bamboo industry. Due to the small knocking sound and long service life, the bamboo keyboard developed by the enterprise was sold for 25,000 units once the market was pushed to the market. After the success of the bamboo keyboard, Lin Wei and the team members continued to closely related, and successively developed more than 80 varieties of bamboo products such as bamboo mouse and bamboo calculators to crack the problem of degradation and environmental pollution after the scrap of plastic digital products. At the same time, it has also opened up foreign markets, selling well in the United States, Canada and other places. Since the International Bamboo and Rattan Organization initiated the "Replacing Plastic with Bamboo" initiative in 2022, our local government has given a lot of preferential policies to bamboo and wood processing enterprises and increased support. We believe that Replacing Plastic with Bamboo is very promising. Call for more enterprises and individuals to join the ranks of "Bamboo Plastic" and actively respond to the country's call.

In the field of daily products, there are many types of bamboo products. A company in Chizhou, Anhui, focusing on the production, processing and sales of bamboo products, has focused its attention in the areas of plastic straws. Beginning in 2017, for the pain points of the processing of bamboo straws, the enterprise has actively cooperated with the industry, research, research and research cooperation with colleges and universities, and has invested more than 10 million yuan. Invention and 1 appearance patent. Chen Shaohong, deputy general manager of the enterprise, introduced that the enterprise has 100,000 tons of bamboo products annually, and has built the production and export base of the three major products in the country's largest bamboo sticks, bamboo chopsticks, and bamboo suction tube. Dining plates and other products are exported overseas. It is expected that the annual output value of 2023 will reach 1 billion yuan. In the country and even internationally, the advanced degree, process, and technical content of production lines should be the first in the world. In recent years, the company has invested many funds in the development of bamboo products and equipment research and development, accounting for more than 15%in the profit of the head office. Relying on the renewable and recyclable characteristics of bamboo, coupled with the low carbon nature of the bamboo industry's full production cycle, it will promote the transformation of traditional production models, promote the ecological value conversion of bamboo resources, and truly transform ecological advantages into economic advantages.

In Youxi County, Fujian Sanming, Fujian, which also takes the bamboo industry as the traditional advantage industry, more than 120 deep-processed products of more than 120 varieties such as bamboo flooring, bamboo fragrant core, bamboo furniture, and bamboo charcoal, to help the total output value of the local bamboo industry reached 5.25 billion. Yuan. In a local production workshop in a local bamboo industry enterprise, workers are rushing to make a wholesale bamboo furniture to overseas. Enterprise manager Wu Zuojun introduced that in recent years, bamboo furniture, bamboo crafts, bamboo home products and other products formed from bamboo and wood have continued. Through investment and building a new plant to promote technological transformation, equipment upgrades, adjustment of product structure, etc., it has developed products that meet different consumer needs. At present, more than 400 bamboo products such as kitchen utensils and bathroom kits have been developed. Wu Zuojun said: "Our company has 4 production lines. Now, the four production lines are approaching the full load. In the first half of the year, the output value of about 10 million yuan is about 10 million yuan. The orders in the second half of the year have improved. In the noodle town and Zhongxian Town, bamboo resources are more excellent. The company spent more than 7 million yuan this year to buy more than 6 million equipment, processing and upgrading some products that could not be produced by manual production, helping our market to high-end.

According to Yin Gangqiang, Secretary of the Party Committee of the International Bamboo and Teng Center of the State Forestry and Grassland Bureau, now, there are more than 10,000 bamboo-processing enterprises in my country. The output value of the bamboo industry has increased from 82 billion yuan in 2010 to 415.3 billion yuan in 2022, an average annual increase of 30% above. At present, there are tens of thousands of main bamboo replacement products. It is distributed in more than a dozen areas such as daily products, industrial manufacturing, construction materials, and agricultural production. It has broad development space. In the field of daily products, one-time bamboo tableware such as bamboo suction pipes, bamboo fiber lunch boxes, bamboo knives and spoons, etc., high temperature resistance, no addition, product supply is in short supply, bamboo buttons and other clothing auxiliary materials show the traditional Chinese culture; in the field of industrial manufacturing, bamboo Fibrous car interior, electronic equipment shell, etc., energy conservation and emission reduction of processin

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